Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Useful OSGi(Spring DM) utilities

Using OsgiServiceProxyFactoryBean to create proxy(equivalent to osgi:ref)

I had usecase where i could not use osgi:ref or osgi:list to reference a service ,because when the proxy is created it
creates on the generic interface given, which that particular bundle can see.

To get away with this usecase , we created proxies using API's.


OsgiServiceProxyFactoryBean proxy = new OsgiServiceProxyFactoryBean();
proxy.setInterfaces(new Class[] {cls});


There is a distinction between the OSGi bundle state and the state of the BundleInstallArtifact. The latter is displayed by the shell "bundle" commands.

BundleInstallArtifact only transitions to ACTIVE when any Spring DM application context has been published in the service registry. The OSGi bundle may
transition to ACTIVE earlier than this as it does not take into account publication of any Spring DM application context.

The transition to ACTIVE state starts either when the bundle is started or, in the case of lazy activation, after the bundle has been started and then
the first class is loaded from the bundle.


Bundle-Version: 10.0.0

Export-Package: com.test

There is no relationship between the bundle and the package version. It's fairly often that a bundle version increases while the bundle package doesn't
(for example the new bundle provides only extra resources or extra packages).

Exported packages by default are versioned at 0.0.0


When I hit a bundles list command on the dm shell it shows as follows

DM Shell output

43 com.springsource.osgi.webcontainer.core 1.0.0.M1 ACTIVE
44 S com.springsource.osgi.webcontainer.tomcat 1.0.0.M1 ACTIVE
45 S com.springsource.server.web.core 2.0.0.RELEASE ACTIVE
46 com.springsource.server.web.dm 2.0.0.RELEASE ACTIVE
47 com.springsource.server.web.tomcat 2.0.0.RELEASE ACTIVE
48 com.springsource.javax.annotation 1.0.0 ACTIVE

S means "Spring powered", i.e. with Spring (DM) XML files.

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