Tuesday, November 17, 2009

TCCL in OSGi(Spring DM)

In order to better understand how TCCL works in OSGi i have done a sample POC.

I created 3 bundles.

Bundle A - calls Bundle B (imports Bundle B)

Bundle B -calls Bundle C (imports Bundle A)

Bundle C - instantiates class in Bundle A (No imports)

In normal cases Bundle C will fail to instantiate class in Bundle A, but this can be achieved using TCCL as follows.

ITest test=(ITest)Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass("com.bundleA.external.ActionClass").newInstance();

Conclusion: Spring Dm sets TCCL to the bundle classloader where the thread initiated.

Now what if we want to instantiate class of bundle B in Bundle C , but the thread flow doesnt change. ?

This can be easily done by resetting the TCCL in bundle B's method as follows


BootClassPath and Sytem ClassPath in OSGI(Spring DM)

System Package

java.* can be directly used without any imports. This is neither part of boot delegation nor system packages as they are part of jdk itself.For loading these fundamental types, the OSGi platform uses parent delegation instead of the networking model; that is, it uses the class loader that started the OSGi framework to load classes instead of an OSGi class space.

None of the other public packages available in the JDK such as the javax.net or javax.xml are parent delegated which means they have to be resolved within the class space that is, bundles need to import the packages (which means there needs to be a provider) since they are not implied. The OSGi spec allows the Framework (through its system bundle) to export
any relevant packages from its parent class loader as system packages using the org.osgi.framework.system.packages property.

As repacking the hosting JDK as a bundle isn't a viable option, one can use this setting to have the system bundle (or the bundle with id 0) export these packages itself.

Extension Bundles

Another possible option is to enhance the system bundle through extension bundles. These act as fragments; they are not bundles of their own but rather are attached to a host.
Extension bundles are a special kind of fragments that get attached only to the System bundle in order to deliver optional parts of the Framework

Boot Delegation

This allows the user to create 'implied' packages that will always be loaded by the framework parent class loader, even if the bundles do not provide the proper imports:

This option is mainly created to accommodate various corner cases especially in the JDK classes that expect parent class loading delegation to always occur or that assume that every class loader on the system has full access to the entire boot path.There are cases where boot delegation is quite handy; a good candidate being instrumentation, such as profiling or code coverage.


I have done samples to better understand how classloader comes into picture for loading classes at different levels by printing parent classloaders upto 4 levels.

Class loader for one of the classes of bundle in pick up.

bundle classloader ServerBundleClassLoader: [bundle=ClassPathTest_1.0.0]
bundles parent java.net.URLClassLoader@126e85f
bundles parent sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@7d772e
bundles parent sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@11b86e7

Class loader hierarchy for org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator

**************System bundle 0*******************
bundle classloader java.net.URLClassLoader@126e85f
bundles parent sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@7d772e
bundles parent sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@11b86e7
I bundles parent null

Created a dummy class and added this in the classpath of dm server startup.bin.Also modified to include this java6-server.profile as org.osgi.framework.system.packages = \
(I did import this package in my test bundle)

*************SYSTEM PATH**************
bundle classloader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@7d772e
bundles parent sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@11b86e7
bundles parent null
I parent null

Created a dummy class and added this in the classpath of dm server startup.bin.Also modified to include this java6-server.profile as org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation = \
(Did not import this package in my test bundle)

*************BOOT PATH**************

bundle classloader sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@7d772e
bundles parent sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@11b86e7
I bundles parent null
I parent null

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