Saturday, November 7, 2009

Issues with loading Native libraries in OSGi Bundles

The Java virtual machine (JVM) allows only one class loader to load a particular native library.
(which means two bundle cannot load same native library)

There is no application programming interface (API) to unload a native library from a class loader.

Native libraries are unloaded by the JVM when the class loader that found the library is collected from the heap during garbage collection.

If a shared library that is configured with a native library path is associated with an application, whenever the application is restarted or dynamically reloaded the application might fail with an UnsatisfiedLinkError indicating that the library is already loaded. The error occurs because, when the application restarts, it invokes the shared library class to reload the native library. The native library, however, is still loaded in memory because the application class loader which previously loaded the native library has not yet been garbage collected.

A native library is unloaded only when the class loader that loaded it has been garbage collected. When a bundle is uninstalled or updated, any native libraries loaded by the
bundle remain in memory until the bundle's class loader is garbage collected. The garbage collection will not happen until all references to objects in the bundle have been garbage collected, and all bundles importing packages from the updated or uninstalled bundle are refreshed. This implies that native libraries loaded from the system class loader always remain in memory because the system class loader is never garbage collected

Spring forum :

Solution – load this library in a bundle which won’t be refreshed or set a flag which shoudl be checked when reloading any bundle.

The option of changing native code name may result in memory leaks, because multiple native code accumulate in the process space.

Only the JVM class loader can load a dependent native library.

For example, if NativeLib1 is dependent on NativeLib2, then NativeLib2 must be visible to the JVM class loader. The path containing NativeLib2 must be specified on Java library path defined by the LIBPATH environment variable.

If a native library configured in a shared library is dependent on other native libraries, the dependent libraries must be configured on the LIBPATH of the JVM hosting the application server in order for that library to load successfully.


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