Sunday, May 9, 2010

Using Bundlor for automated generation of Osgi manifest files

One of the most useful utilities which helps in automated creation of manifest files. This gives all the hooks required for customization.

A sample template file used for generation

Bundle-Name: ${}
Bundle-Description: ${bundle.description}
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: ${}
Bundle-Vendor: ${bundle.vendor}
Import-Template: org.apache.log4j.*;bundle-symbolic-name="", *
Excluded-Imports: com.sun.*,javax.xml.*,org.apache.xerces.jaxp.*,org.w3c.*,org.xml.*,sun.*,*

Here the Import template functionality gives complete flexibility to control my imports> This ensures that all subpackages of org.apache.lo4j if imported by bundle will have bundle symbolic names attached to it.

If there is any private package , based on some naming convention we can exclude this from being exported. Also boot delegated packages should be excluded for exporting.

Boot delegated package exports can be avoided by passing osgi profile file to bundlor.
At this moment - Bundlor 1.0.0 had a Bug with this feature which is fixed in the daily snapshot version.
Ref :

Hence bundlor automates a lot of these things and there is no need for static commit of manifest files.

This can be easily integrated with any build for the project as follows

<target name="bundlor.init">
<taskdef resource="com/springsource/bundlor/ant/antlib.xml"
<classpath id="bundlor.classpath">
<fileset dir="${bundlor.home}/dist"/>
<fileset dir="${bundlor.home}/lib"/>



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