Monday, August 9, 2010

BootStrap Initialization GuideLines (For same code base to work in both OSGi and Non-OSGi environment)

During the migration of the platform into OSGi we had use cases where we needed the platform to work in both OSGi and non OSGi cases until the OSGi platform had stabilized.But our mail goal was we needed the same code based and packaging to work in both OSGi and non OSGi use cases.

We had come up with list of guidelines and conventions to achieve the same.

One major assumption was that in a non OSGi case there has to be a single application Context as against OSGi where there is application context
per bundle.

1. Separate xml files for OSGi service definitions and bean definitions.

2. Naming convention for spring xml files are as follows

3.Naming convention for beans to be exported as services

Service Exposing side
<bean id="<MODULE_NAME>service" class="XXX.YYY.ZZZ"/>
<osgi:service ref=""<MODULE_NAME>service"" interface="bla.bla.IService"/>

Service Reference side
<osgi:ref interface=" bla.bla.IService" id="<MODULE_NAME>service"/>
Now this <MODULE_NAME>service can be used as regular bean.
This convention will help us run the same code base both in OSGi and non OSGi cases without changing these xmls. Note that in non OSgi cases we will initialize META-INF/spring/*-bean-context.xml. This will help in unit testing so that only required xmls can be initialized.

4. All spring bean definition files have to be in the following location - META-INF/spring/*

5. Ensure that in NON-OSGI cases individual products/services/modules do not independently initialize the application Context.There should be a independent initialization moduel which initilialises the app context across all products(jars) in the Vm based on some naming convention followed by the products.This will help easy wiring of beans across products which in other cases are done through OSGi services.Also the common module will expose a method in for accessing the beans present in the context.

6. Conventions have to be followed so that there are no same named beans across products as there is a single application context and objects will get overridden.

7.Boot Strap initialized xmls with this regular expression - [*-bean-context.xml]

[** Ensure that if any module in not following all these conventions the spring xml file has to be in any other folder than META-INF/spring ***[so that DM server doesnt initialize it ]* . *Ensure that in any case the spring xmls** are not initialized twice *[all the above guidelines are just to ensure that ] ***]

8. Property File initialization

Property placeholder config definitions containing files should be seperated from bean and osgi definition files and should be present in META-INF/spring folder.

Naming convention pgconfig-<MODULE_NAME>.properties

This will be initialized in bootstrap based on this expression in teh bootstrap propertyPlaceHolconfigurator : "classpath*:pgconfig*.properties"


bootstrapconfig.xml contains --> <context:property-placeholder location="classpath*:pgconfig*.properties"/>

9.Avoid using Bundle Activator and instead use spring config (init method) for initialization as this will give us a common approach in both OSGi and Non OSGi cases.

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