Monday, August 9, 2010

Issues during migration of platform to OSGi

1. Certain framework classes had to be part of boot delegation like Terracotta.

Added* to org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation = \ in


2.Certain jboss imports were not getting part of package imports when jars were run through bundlor

So had to explicitly add these to bundles which required JMS(JBoss MQ) functionalities.


3. If there is any Custom Class Loader created in the code ,special care has to be taken to ensure that you set the custom class loaders parent to Bundle Classloader.

4. Special care needs to be taken that classes loaded through custom class loader should see all its imports and exports through its parent Bundles manifest.

5. Where ever class was loaded using Class.forname() we had to change it to ensure these where done through Thread Context Classloader where classes were laoded from other bundle.

6. Since we use jbossallclient.jar for JMS(Jboss MQ) we had issues as this was conflicting with packages in bootdelegation.

We could either solve this using explicit imports from system bundle(bundle 0).


BootClasspath was exporting

Removed from jboss all client jar - Using bundlor excluded exports manifest


Because jboss-allclient.jar also exports javax.jms which is also exported by javax.jms_1.1.0 bundle

Ensured jbossallclient.jar imports this and doesnt export it by changing manifest.

7.Since there were multiple bundles exporting org.apache.log4j , i had to explicitly mention bundle
symbolic names for the imports.

There were certain cases of cyclic dependency since it was legacy code.

Code in one bundle was initialized(spring application context) by code in another bundle. This cyclic dependency was solved by
explicitly marking this imports as optional(resolution="optional").

8. Wherever Application Context was read using regular expression had to change classpath: to classpath*: to ensure that all classpath resources are read.

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