Thursday, November 12, 2009

Spring Training - Day 4

Spring Security

Principal –User,Device or system that performs action

Authentication –Establishing principals credentials are proper.(LDAP ,Database etc)

Authorization –Deciding if a principal is allowed to perform an action.

Secured Item – resource being secured.

Spring security is Portable across containers.

Secure item – method , web page(url) or flow(web flow)

Voters – 2 default- role based and authenticate based

3 types of AccessDecision manager (judges)

1. AffirmativeBased (anyone says yes –it’s a yes) -Default

2. Unanimous based – very conservative – one voter says no – it’s a no

3. Consensus based – based on majority says yes – majority is configurable – all these are configurable

Configuration in Web Application

<security:http> - configures default accessmgr, default filters, voters, security interceptor etc

Configures a servlet filter in web.xml

<security intercept-url pattern=”…” filters=”” acess=””/> can be configured

Spring security Taglibs since spring 2.0

Method Security(based on AOP)

Xml based - point cuts in xml with access role

Configuration based – have to register to get this enabled. , also has JSR specific annotations

Bad to put security constraints inside class – use xml approach over annotations – security is infrastructure

Advanced Security In web –

HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter – stores context in session - if exists gets it and binds to thread local –way back binds it to session

LogoutFilter –clears security context on logoff

AuthenticationProcessingFilter - If not authenticated then send to login page

ExceptionTranslationFilter – converts exception into http responses and redirects

FilterSecurityInterceptor - authorises web requests based on url patterns

Any of these can be replaced and any can be added in the required order.

So filters for all these purposes are already placed.

Security context can be obtained anywhere in the code using – spring class SecurityContext.getCtx();

Obfuscating – is just setting bean – to avoid knowing technology

Spring Remoting

Consistency across all protocols and flipping from one protocol to another is simple.

Supported Protocols

HttpInvoker – is a protocol –over http
Hessian/Burlap(for sending XML over HTTP –Less predictable with complex types)

Hessian –uses binary xml
Burlap –uses textual xml

Spring on Server & Client –Use Http Invoker
Java Env but no Web Server –Use RMI
Interop with other languages Using HTTP – Hessian

Spring JMS


Spring JMSTemplate


JMSTemplate – takes connectionFactory,MessageConvertor,DestinationResolver,

Spring JMX

MBean is a standard java bean with an additional management interface – attributes (with getters and setters) and Operations

Rmi is default protocol – can be changed

JVM runs a default MBean server , we can also override this by one given from spring

<context mbean –export>

Default –export everything – mostly a bundle will have only mbeans exposed

Export bean as MBean.

Strategies –

objectNamingStratergy- keyNamingStratergy(Default) , IdetitynamingStratergy(naming by objected from JVM),MetaDataNamingStratergy (annotations) – not recommended

One strategy can be overriden by the other.

MBeanInfoAssembler- by implementations of the MBeanInfoAssembler interface

To run with JMX add as VM param


Single Version mean atleast that version

Resolves to the greatest -

Running in eclipse

Added vm param for clean

In manifest given space for the next line – because its reserved for headers

Import package , not mentioned – binds to the latest

Resolved phase- doesn’t mean classes are loaded

When classloader gets GC’ed - when objects are Gc'ed and all bundles importing from this bundle are refreshed(osgi refresh command)

Using Eclipse to simulate Equinox

Run configurations - > OSGi Configurations – new - Uncheck target platform - In filter search org.eclipse.osgi(any version ) – select it – apply – run

ss will show only equinox bundle.

Change run config as - -Dosgi.clean=true

Create new project – plugin – new plugin project - select run environment as equinox

Can run this new project under equinox with the created run configurations – Run as ...

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